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The University of South Africa offers higher certificate programs (UNISA)

Date of debut: August 11, 2022

1. A higher certificate in accounting sciences (98201) with APS 14
2. A higher certificate in basic training and education for adults (98615)
Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare -APS 15 (90098)
-APS 15 Higher Certificate in Records Management and Archives (98577)
-APS 15
5. Banking higher certificate (98225)
-APS 15
6. Advanced Certificate in Animal Justice (90006) – APS 15

Advanced Certificate in Economics and Management Sciences (98237)
Higher certificate in EDUCATION senior phase and further and training teaching (90093-FIP) -APS 15

Higher certificate in Education foundation phase and intermediate phase -APS 18

Higher certificate in insurance (90013)
Higher Certificate in Law (APS 15) (98751)
Higher certificate in environmental and bio sciences -APS 15 (98366)
-APS 15

Higher certificate in mathematics and statistics (90129) – APS 15

15. Higher certificate in marketing (98229) – APS 15 (90101)

Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (APS 15) (90011)

Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (APS 15) (90015)

Tourism Management Higher Certificate (98226) -APS 15


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